Liver conditions are given special attention in Gastro1 Hospital which is based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Our liver specialists in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, are professionals when it comes to identifying and treating liver inflammation and damage that may disrupt normal functioning of the liver.
Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to control the illness as well as mitigate against further complications

Development of liver diseases can result from lifestyle behaviors, genetic predisposition, infections and immune system abnormalities. For reliable care, a liver specialist in Ahmedabad, Gujarat may offer full diagnosis and treatment for such conditions.
 Early identification and treatment of underlying causes are crucial for preventing further progression and preserving liver function.

Liver disease refers to a variety of conditions that affect the liver. Some examples of these are as follows:
Swelling of the liver caused by viral infections (hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E), too much alcohol consumption, poisons, some drugs or autoimmune diseases. Viral hepatitis is the most common type, with Hepatitis B and C leading to chronic disease and potentially causing cirrhosis and liver cancer.
An advanced stage of liver disease characterized by scarring or fibrosis of liver tissue. It may result from enduring hepatitis illnesses like fatty liver disease and alcoholism over time, but it can also be due to inherited problems and chronic bile duct blockages, among other causes. Cirrhosis can lead to liver failure as well as put you at higher risk of getting cancer of the organ.
Autoimmune Liver Diseases
Autoimmune hepatitis occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body, causing inflammation and damage to organs such as skin; primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), a chronic inflammatory disorder affecting small bile ducts; and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC).
Infectious Liver Diseases
The liver is the target of liver’s infections which are pathogenic, caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. They cause inflammation and damage of liver resulting in hepatitis. Fatigue, jaundice, and abdominal pains are some of the symptoms experienced during the disease process.
Fatty Liver Disease
A condition in which fat builds up in liver cells. This disease has two main types: - **Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (AFLD)**: Excessive alcohol use causes this one. - **Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)**: Associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and metabolic syndrome.
Liver Cancer
Primary cancer begins in the liver itself, while secondary or metastatic form refers to cancer that spreads into this organ from other body parts. The most typical kind is Hepatocellular Carcinoma, which usually develops on a background of long-standing hepatitis or cirrhosis.
Genetic Liver Diseases
Some inherited conditions cause liver disease, e.g., Hemochromatosis (excessive iron storage), Wilson’s disease (excessive copper storage), and Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (which affects liver and lung functions).
Drug-induced Liver Injury
Certain medications, herbal supplements and toxins can lead to injury of the liver, which can vary from mild enzyme elevation to fulminant hepatic failure.